Monday, 25 November 2019


CSV export bug - Fields aren't automatically quoted when separator character is present in the data. To open a database encrypted with a previous release, make sure to choose the "SQLCipher 3 defaults" in the dialog which asks for the encryption passphrase. Optimise the Import CSV dialog for better usability. This also improves working with deferred foreign keys - CSV export bug - Fields aren't automatically quoted when separator character is present in the data. dbhub

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The usual improvements to the grammar parser.

One download uses "standard" SQLite v3. Great morning to you all May your week blessed in jesus name dbhub.

Rbhub deleted files from list of recently opened files - Add proper file extension filters to all file dialogs - 6b8f57d.

SilvioGrosso has kindly created a video showing how to load the math extensions on windows.

- Ready for Development

Optimize choosing displayed dbhu for cell - 6b42af7. Allow setting the line type and the point shape in the plot area - Add full support for tables without rowid.

Improved error handling, e. Add option to remember last location for file dialogs - Add a new display format for converting to Apple NSDates - Add option to export only the data in an SQL export - c8f There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something Our first bit windows release!


Optimise code - d Index updating when removing an indexed column from a table - When holding Ctrl and Shift while clicking on a cell with a foreign key set, the browser now jumps to the referenced record - When fetching all table data for plotting show a progress dialog - The developer reserves the right to substitute any materials for others similar in quality, if these are not available when required for construction, and to modify plans when considered necessary.

Use the name of the imported file as default suggestion for a table name during CSV import - Project was renamed to "Browser for SQLite".


Remove ampersands from windows title - d9d2f Improve file size format - fed. Updated Russian translation dnhub CSV export bug - Fields aren't automatically quoted when separator character is present in the data. Reimplement data handling in the Edit Cell widget - Add Ubuntu install instructions on the website - Add decimal support to display format - Make import of multiple CSV files easier to use.

The math extensions for SQLite are included in the windows and macOS installers SilvioGrosso has kindly created a video showing how to load the math extensions on windows. Updated Spanish translation - Add Create Index button in the toolbar and Create Index dialog sizing - Add an option for setting the colours ebhub fields with regular and binary data - Install icon to hicolor directory bug enhancement fix Updated OSX Custom type saving when only focus changes for user-entered type -


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