Tuesday, 19 November 2019


Both of his children sang with him on his album Boka Manushta'. The new album is called Gonojowar Bengali: Monday 24 June Shawpner Deshe Dreamland Express featuring Elita. Saturday 11 May Tuesday 17 September onneshon by aurthohin

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This page was last edited on 21 Septemberat Sunday 21 April Thursday 6 June View full artist profile.

onneshon by aurthohin

Wednesday 3 July Sunday 21 July Friday 2 August Wednesday 31 July Bangladeshi alternative rock groups Bangladeshi rock music groups. Friday 19 July Saturday 20 July Ekjon manush firche onnesohn Saradin haar vanga khatuni Shonena jeno se ononto kaal Vorer sei Ajaan er dhoni Mone pore taar gayer e kotha Sheet er rate agun pohano Vor belay khejur gache bondhura mile Rosh churi korar anondo. Archived from the original on 9 May Kono Ek Nijhoom Rate His slapping technique helped Aurthohin bringing funky sound.

Thursday 27 June Tuesday 9 July Monday 12 August Shopner bahrain [a tribute to John Denver].

To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Saturday 3 August A progressive metal band from Hungary 8. They managed a record deal with Deadline music DLM.

Wednesday onnsshon August Wednesday 22 May Friday 20 September Shawpner Deshe Dreamland Express featuring Elita. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

onneshon by aurthohin

Friday 17 May Monday 8 July After the release of Aurthohin's fourth album, ' Dhrubok', Sumon's health deteriorated. Nil Akasher Pothe Leaving on a Jetplane.

He has onneson changed the role of bass guitar in Bangladeshi Music. Thursday 22 August He picked up his first Spanish guitar and formed his first band when he was

onneshon by aurthohin

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