Saturday, 16 November 2019


It failed in my experiences so far. I definitely have no idea where the problem might have arised from. Its too bad that its no longer developed. Reply Quote 0 P 1 Reply Last reply. I do use BH occasionally e. Yes, the format is not popular, but ive seen downloads in this file format. uharc high compression multimedia archiver

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Presently, almost half of my new files are stored as UHA files, some in 7z, ace, rar, rk and cab, a few in zip or else. The high compression ratios provided by WinUHA should come in handy for sending email attachments, and as the uharrc of the files you archive increases, you'll start to notice the its real benefit.

WinUHA is a file compression utility that allows you to archive multiple files. According to the French link in sig of SqueezeTheFun http: UHA is even less widespread than 7zip. Ive tested this prog!

Download UHARC GUI

Gigabyte GT kharc iv. Another option yet to be implemented is 'Convert to SFX' within the main menu of the application. Here are a few characteristics of WinUHA: I definitely have no idea where the problem might have arised from. My wish for PA is a support for. Hi all, Huh, I just lost my previous typing the window was torn down automatically. Download and installation help.

Winrar is clever enough to add decompression support to 7z in its latest versions… 3. However, this high compression ratio comes at a cost — the speed. Dreaming of an ad-free web? The project's last iteration is the 0. All in all, UHARC GUI provides a well-built yet incomplete interface for the highly-acclaimed archiver and since the compression tool itself did not receive an update in the last few years, so the GUI will not, probably, get a new version.

WinUHA - Download

Reply Reply as topic. PA 7z is better in compression rate than that in the freeware 7-Zip File Manager, but still obviously less in a general sense than uharc 0. Cuz i dont like to use another prog only for uha compression….

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uharc high compression multimedia archiver

This is not acceptable for a commercial program. By the way - there is something wrong with the poll, not veryone can vote on it. All that it means is that I can use such replacements to compress and decompress UHA files according to their corresponding engines used.

Best free High compression Multimedia Archiver – WinUHA – UHARC-GUI

UHARC is a high compression multimedia archiver. There is a newer version 0. WinRAR The king of compressed files.

I have not tried any of the UHA utilities. You are unlikely to come across files compressed in the UHA format on commercial download sites or even most newsgroups. I think this archivdr is still developed…but im not sure. The correspondent options refer to compression settings mode, dictionary size and multimedia compressiondirectory processing settings recurse subdirectories and store paths as well as encryption settings password and mode.

uharc high compression multimedia archiver

Oh, no, reading on…: You are able to build a file and folder list up to 2 GB in size for the program to multjmedia a UHA archive from it. Don't leave without your download! But it would be a problem as I mentioned before 0.

uharc high compression multimedia archiver

Winrar is clever enough to add decompression support to 7z in its latest versions….

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